Posts by Jake (Bruticus):

Mordheim Strigoi Vampire and Hyenas

The first finished vampire competing for the Throne of Bones. I tried a few new ‘techniques’ when painting him, the idea was to get a lot of texture on the model, because it is based on the plastic […]

Inquisitor Hawksmoor

Hawksmoor is a daemonhunter, and while there are those in the Inquisition that wield their power with the precision of a surgeon and strike from the shadows, Hawksmoor is not among their number. An unsubtle man, a man […]

Brother Mythras

Little is known of the insular Sun Titan chapter of Astartes, though their harsher critics might say that they are self-obsessed to the point of narcissism, and that in their arrogance they have little interest in the affairs […]

Inquisitor Hawksmoor WIP

This is Inquisitor Hawksmoor of the Ordo Malleus. Not a subtle man. The conversion is based on Kor Phaeron’s body, one of my favourite sculpts of recent times. I love the archaic terminator armour, with all the extra […]


I am very proud to see my Inqusitorial warband in featured in Blanchitsu in Warhammer Visions this month.